Successes & failures: Invaluable lessons from entrepreneurs
Examples, case studies and real-life stories about entrepreneurs and their working lives. Learn from the success and failure of others to save you money and time and ultimately help you succeed.
Mr Demotivation and the Hidden Message

Not long ago, I attended an entrepreneurship conference in London which attracted a range of academics, trainers and consultants.
Short on collective wisdom yet high on clouded crystal balls, the organisers chose to kick things off with a ‘motivational speaker’. The billing stated our man of purpose was also a ‘leading entrepreneur and businessman’.
Unfortunately, no-one in the audience had signed up to be pumped with 'umph' at 10am on a wet Tuesday. But this didn't stop the suited and booted Mr Demotivation. Misjudging his missive and moment he slid into a shocker of a show.
Prepare yourself... Read More
Entrepreneurial Poetry

John Keats - inspiration for entrepreneurial poetry
John Keats, the famous 19th century poet, became part of the Italian family holiday during the summer. His life fascinated and helped me to understand the power of entrepreneurial poetry... Read More
Entrepreneurship Competition: Flavour of the Umph!

Umph! The Entrepreneurship Competition
Being 25 years' self-employed I feel I've developed a 'nose' for judging whether a business or project might work.
The personal journey over the last quarter century has had its mix of success and failure; critical experience informing the senses as to whether something new can progress sufficiently so it bears fruit in the longer-term... Read More
The Importance of Uncertainty

The importance of uncertainty cannot be under-estimated when preparing people for work
Setting out for Loughborough University (to guest speak at their entrepreneur's 'ThinkBig' awards) I was reminded of the insight and wisdom of Patrick Awuah.
Earlier in June of that year I had listened to him talk about the importance of uncertainty at the GBSN conference in Tunisia... Read More
Successful Phone Sales Calls

Learn the art of making successful phone sales calls
People who don't seek to master the art of making successful phone sales calls are often crap at their job.
What’s worse is that many charlatans have received some god-awful training which might as well be called ‘How to shaft the customer’... Read More
How to Maximize Exhibition Opportunities

How do you maximize exhibition opportunities?
To promote products and services, many small businesses need to know how to maximize exhibition opportunities.
Just like the hitchhiker, you put yourself right in front of passing potential customers, waiting for someone to take interest and stop by... Read More
Revolutionary Business Ideas

Bringing revolutionary ideas in business to life
Revolutionary business ideas that work change the way people think and work. And not so long ago, I witnessed the launch of ground-breaking communication technology that will open up a whole new era of global possibilities for smart phone and tablet apps... Read More
Unsung Heroes of Enterprise and Entrepreneurship

Who are your unsung heroes of enterprise and entrepreneurship?
Over the past 2 years, 49 articles connecting hitchhiking and entrepreneurship have been posted on this Blog.
Subjects and angles have been wide and varied. But no single post has focused on the unsung heroes of enterprise and entrepreneurship who have helped make my journey possible.
Yet, if it had not been for the kindness of spirit, generosity of time and ability to help me reach my next destination, I would not have travelled far. And then I would have given up... Read More