Successes & failures: Invaluable lessons from entrepreneurs
Examples, case studies and real-life stories about entrepreneurs and their working lives. Learn from the success and failure of others to save you money and time and ultimately help you succeed.
Making a meal out of dishonest business

The horsemeat scandal and making a meal out of dishonest business
Supermarket 'thoroughbred' 'Tesco' was guilty of making a meal out of dishonest business during the horsemeat scandal.
Matters lurched south in Jan 2013 when the company took out national ads apologising for its home-brand burger containing a reported 30% horsemeat. Then the public had to stomach the notion that consuming a 'Spaghetti Western' didn't necessarily involve watching horses on the telly. And when Tesco thought the PR couldn't worsen, well it did... Read More
Great Alternative Startup Websites

Great alternative startup websites entrepreneurs should use
The post 'Top 10 entrepreneurial websites' highlights the most popular websites being recommended to start-ups. But looking more deeply at sites and social media sources not making top ten status, it was clear something lacking popularity still has game-changing value.
Much like the globally renowned Edinburgh Festival, you must visit its 'Fringe event' to unmask the future entertainment diamonds. Here are some alternative startup websites that will be tomorrow's mainstream... Read More
Top 10 Entrepreneur Websites

Recommended top 10 entrepreneur websites
To discover the top 10 entrepreneur websites, I polled the views of over 500 people involved with the industry.
All respondents worked in an advisory/business support capacity in academia, and/or the public/private sectors. Some people ran their own businesses.
To keep things simple, I asked the single question:
"What websites do you recommend entrepreneurs use..?" Read More
World’s Greatest Entrepreneur

Unbelievable! Interviewing the world's greatest entrepreneur
Meeting the world's greatest entrepreneur started with a cold call. "I'm sorry but Nick rarely gives interviews" I was informed.
The PA on the other end of the line was pleasant but firm. "But please give me your details. Someone in PR will get back to you."
Two days later the phone rang. To my astonishment, I learnt my wish had been granted.
Slap in the middle of his hectic schedule I would be meeting the world's greatest entrepreneur. He even wanted to meet me in person and had insisted on making all my travel arrangements... Read More
Get turned on by fresh energy

Get turned on by fresh energy
Imagine if a new energy source meant energy suddenly got a lot cheaper. Would you get turned on by fresh energy enough to change your lifestyle? Read More
Go Screw the Pitch

No one ever sets out to screw the pitch or screw up their presentation. But so many people do because they don't prepare properly and/or assume (falsely) what the audience wants.
But for anyone who wants to screw the pitch (or for anyone who has suffered in the audience) here are my top 10 fulfilment tips.
Enjoy the comedic, funny but true, value. Read More
Commercial Comedy is Serious Business

No joking. Commercial comedy and having a laugh is serious business.
As our plane readied for take off to Cape Town, the stewardess commenced the well rehearsed health and safety briefing. Little did we know that the airline's approach to commercial comedy meant the ordinary was about to become extraordinary.
"In the event of the cabin losing air pressure, oxygen masks will drop down from above your heads." Her words were calm. She paused and looked to see who was paying attention... Read More
Effective Salespeople avoid Crap Meetings

Learning how to avoid crap meetings is a key skill for entrepreneurs
Once upon a business life I self-published a ‘book’ for the caravan market.
Knowing little about these boxes on wheels and kidding myself the product was half-decent, I led a telesales department (me) and phoned UK caravan outlets in search of orders.
And then I thought I had struck gold... Read More