Successes & failures: Invaluable lessons from entrepreneurs
Examples, case studies and real-life stories about entrepreneurs and their working lives. Learn from the success and failure of others to save you money and time and ultimately help you succeed.
Take students to the darkside

Take students to the darkside to make learning meaningful & relevant
Pink Floyd's chart breaking 1973 album 'Dark Side of the Moon' brought a legendary band together in a highly creative and entrepreneurial manner.
The music was rich and expressive and importantly tangential to the popular but increasingly bland 'Glam rock'. Charting for over 740 weeks, 'Dark Side of the Moon' opened the door to world fame and fortune for 4 young men... Read More
Game on for back bedroom passion
Reading anything by Bill Bryson makes me smile and laugh out loud.
As a young man, Mr Bryson discovered the joys of hitchhiking. Driven by a thirst for adventure he spent two summers travelling around Europe with the aid of his thumb. He didn't know it at the time, but the accumulated experience when combined with his journalistic skills (acquired later) would make him a best-selling author (and a mint)... Read More
Fine tuning Entrepreneurial Music

Fine tuning entrepreneurial music Read More
Value your Entrepreneurial Journey

Fear, inertia and ignorance fail us. Start now and value the journey.
If you want to make anything happen in life, you have to start an entrepreneurial journey. But be aware, "Entrepreneurship often happens when people are on their way to something else..." . Read More
Need to achieve

Do entrepreneurs have a stronger need to achieve?
Leeds station, 11.35pm. It's a dark, cold November evening. The last train to York departed 5 minutes before my train from Huddersfield arrived. But for the night-time usuals I'm on my own, frustrated and penniless. But my need to achieve will get me out of here. Read More
The Devil of Self-importance

Smug and the devil of self-importance
As I climbed the tank crane's 10 foot ladder to access the driver's cab I knew this wasn't going to be a typical hitchhiking experience..
But I wasn't aware that I was about to be hijacked by the devil. The devil of self-importance... Read More
Develop Resilience: Tackle the Biggest Problem First

When the going gets tough, tackle the biggest problem first
"Where ya goin?" The van driver shouted above the noise of the engine.
He was leaning over from his seat, pushing the passenger door open with his outstretched hand. Standing on the pavement and with my heavy rucksack held over one shoulder I replied.
"Lake District!" The prospect of a lift added eagerness to my voice.
"Get in. But I'm only going to 'arrogate'..." Read More
Trust Builds Business

Trust builds business but how do you build trust?
Building trust in business is everything, but how do you do it?
Here's a starting point.
Can you recall a moment where someone you didn't know well demonstrated real trust - in a risk situation? What happened next?
In little time strong bonds may have developed, sometimes at surprising speed. And the relationship changes for the better.
The same is possible in the workplace, although the 'risk' catalyst is less commonplace (hence the need for Outward Bound courses). Read More