Get yourself the job you want…
Find out how to fast-track yourself into successful self employment and employment. Posts examine key skills and the right attitudes to develop. Discover industry secrets and the critical issues that relate to getting the job you want.
Cappadocia Ballooning

Cappadocia Ballooning at sunrise. We counted 92 balloons.
Waking to the sound of an alarm shouldn't be part of any holiday. But this morning, the family is Cappadocia ballooning.
It's 4am.
In 20 minutes, a minibus will collect us from our stunning cave hotel. In little over an hour, and before the sun has risen, we will be climbing towards Turkey's rich and loyal blue skies. The air will be warm, clear and still. The views breathtaking. And then the sun will rise... Read More
Making a living on the road

How Indonesian women are making a living on the road
Recent visits to the Far East as well as African continent have demonstrated that hitchhiking remains a popular means of transport.
But whilst dozens of people with outstretched thumbs lined my route from Uhmslanga to Durban, it was the mothers with babes on their backs, risking life and limb in the car-frenzied city of Jakarta, that really got my attention. I was to learn they were making a living on the road. Read More
Entrepreneurship Competition: Flavour of the Umph!

Umph! The Entrepreneurship Competition
Being 25 years' self-employed I feel I've developed a 'nose' for judging whether a business or project might work.
The personal journey over the last quarter century has had its mix of success and failure; critical experience informing the senses as to whether something new can progress sufficiently so it bears fruit in the longer-term... Read More
The Importance of Uncertainty

The importance of uncertainty cannot be under-estimated when preparing people for work
Setting out for Loughborough University (to guest speak at their entrepreneur's 'ThinkBig' awards) I was reminded of the insight and wisdom of Patrick Awuah.
Earlier in June of that year I had listened to him talk about the importance of uncertainty at the GBSN conference in Tunisia... Read More
Revolutionary Business Ideas

Bringing revolutionary ideas in business to life
Revolutionary business ideas that work change the way people think and work. And not so long ago, I witnessed the launch of ground-breaking communication technology that will open up a whole new era of global possibilities for smart phone and tablet apps... Read More
Become a Better Business Writer

Be a better business writer & sharpen your communication
To be a better business writer it's important to practice and learn from mistakes.
Years ago, I co-wrote and published an on-line book. Entitled ‘Dexter Bentley: My first million’ the story follows the entrepreneurial journey of a young man whose academic failures prove to be the catalyst for business success... Read More
Great Alternative Startup Websites

Great alternative startup websites entrepreneurs should use
The post 'Top 10 entrepreneurial websites' highlights the most popular websites being recommended to start-ups. But looking more deeply at sites and social media sources not making top ten status, it was clear something lacking popularity still has game-changing value.
Much like the globally renowned Edinburgh Festival, you must visit its 'Fringe event' to unmask the future entertainment diamonds. Here are some alternative startup websites that will be tomorrow's mainstream... Read More
Top 10 Entrepreneur Websites

Recommended top 10 entrepreneur websites
To discover the top 10 entrepreneur websites, I polled the views of over 500 people involved with the industry.
All respondents worked in an advisory/business support capacity in academia, and/or the public/private sectors. Some people ran their own businesses.
To keep things simple, I asked the single question:
"What websites do you recommend entrepreneurs use..?" Read More