Understand yourself and read behaviour quickly
From bonkers to brilliant. Discover how people who run businesses behave and learn what drives entrepreneurs and how are we affected by different situations, the decisions we make and the people with whom we work. This subject covers: leadership; communication; decision making; relationships; failure; psychology; conceptual thinking; buyer behaviour and more…
Startup Podcast Series 2: Get Better, Go Further

Learn business lessons from the experts Welcome to Series 2 of this Startup Podcast series. This second series hosted by Peter Harrington, explores key issues fitting within the theme of ‘Get Better, Go Further’. Learn business lessons from experts, receive top tips and discover invaluable information sources. Read More
Thank you for Listening

Support for the Startup Survival Podcast has been humbling. Throughout the crisis people from all over the world have been in touch, often to share that simple but most pleasing word of all: ‘Thank-you.’ But nothing quite prepared me for this. Go on, play it. Read More
Origins of Human Creativity Revealed

Discover the origins of human creativity Getting to the origins of human creativity is complicated, but earlier this month I gained some fascinating insights when attending another RSA packed-house presentation in London. This event was delivered by David Eagleman (aka Rockstar of Neuroscience) and his… Read More
My Biggest Fear: Time to Confess and Confront

Fears: confess and confront
Last month's post was published days before I completed my first marathon. For me, the run was three hours of joy followed by 96 minutes of unrelenting pain. Finishing provoked elation, tears and disbelief... Read More
Are You Showing Vulnerability?

Showing vulnerability is good?
Showing vulnerability is not something we associate with 'the successful ones' or 'the special ones'.
Quite the opposite.
Successful, special people strut their stuff with pomp and purpose. Think Trumped-up politics, sport or popular reality shows like 'The Apprentice'. And invariably, you find yourself bridling.
They are the aspiring heroes who haughtily present themselves to their prospective boss or audience with glamour and gloss, slick ‘n’ snappy and wrapped in armadillo-like impermeable confidence... Read More
The listening skill pill win £500! (competition now closed)

Who needs the listening skill pill?
It intrigues me that I've never found a course focusing on effective listening. Whilst we know listening is one of the most important skills to acquire, many of us also recognise our inability to listen well... Read More
Mr Demotivation and the Hidden Message

Not long ago, I attended an entrepreneurship conference in London which attracted a range of academics, trainers and consultants.
Short on collective wisdom yet high on clouded crystal balls, the organisers chose to kick things off with a ‘motivational speaker’. The billing stated our man of purpose was also a ‘leading entrepreneur and businessman’.
Unfortunately, no-one in the audience had signed up to be pumped with 'umph' at 10am on a wet Tuesday. But this didn't stop the suited and booted Mr Demotivation. Misjudging his missive and moment he slid into a shocker of a show.
Prepare yourself... Read More
The Importance of Uncertainty

The importance of uncertainty cannot be under-estimated when preparing people for work
Setting out for Loughborough University (to guest speak at their entrepreneur's 'ThinkBig' awards) I was reminded of the insight and wisdom of Patrick Awuah.
Earlier in June of that year I had listened to him talk about the importance of uncertainty at the GBSN conference in Tunisia... Read More
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