Common-sense sales & marketing: What works?
Covering a wide range of topics find fresh ways to approach and apply your sales and marketing. Posts reference: meetings; pitching; networking; dealing with people; closing; planning and strategy; research; ideas; branding; targeting; pricing; product development; distribution; marketing promotions; export and more.
How we paid only $25.00 for exhibition TV hire

Exhibition TV hire these days can be incredibly expensive. The supply of audio visual equipment to organisations attending events and conferences is big business. Over the years, our digital learning solutions company has paid for stand space and exhibited all over the world. Since we don’t want… Read More
Empathetic Patient Selling

Empathetic, patient selling is the way startups should engage customers and prospects during the C19 crisis. In times of uncertainty, people are typically not looking for deals, discounts and best buys. Instead, they are looking for support, help and reassurance. But why is it so important to understand empathetic… Read More
Effective Communications: Make the Complex Simple

For any business, effective communications is all about making the complex simple.
Your proud research-backed venture may have a world-beating product, all positioned and priced correctly. But if you are falling into this very common communications trap, the success you believe you deserve will always elude you... Read More
Startup Survival Podcast Series 1

Peter Harrington hosts the Entrepreneurship Podcast for Future Changemakers – Listen to Series 1 of the Startup Podcast here. Written and published by serial entrepreneur Peter Harrington, Series 1 of the Startup Survival Podcast draws on 30+ years of starting & growing companies. Combining interviews, recommended reads and theory tips,… Read More
Trust Ladders

Trust ladders are critical aids for anyone wanting to start and/or grow a business. However, in all my experience, only a minority of startups actively take advantage of trust ladders and go onto treat them with appropriate respect. What are these trust ladders and how might they help you… Read More
Overcome Customer Objections

Being able to overcome customer objections is a skill all entrepreneurs should master.
Since the job of the entrepreneur is to create change, move things forward and sell new ideas, resistance should be expected.
Winning people over though is seldom easy. The process requires patience, an understanding of how people behave plus an appreciation you don't win every-time... Read More
Embedding Negotiation Skills

Embedding negotiation skills, so people understand how to apply learning, is best achieved through a combination of theory and repeated practice.
Principles underpinning good negotiation have not changed much over time. But, whilst people may remember what they have read and been told to do, they are typically less aware of their own behaviour and how it impacts the 'ot Read More
Teach & Defeat Deafening Silence

Being able to defeat deafening silence is a behaviour most entrepreneurs must demonstrate
Teaching budding entrepreneurs about finance, marketing and business plans etc. is commonplace.
But why is it so many courses forget to include a fundamental issue virtually all start-ups face? Read More
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