Startup Podcast Series 2: Get Better, Go Further
Learn business lessons from the experts
Welcome to Series 2 of this Startup Podcast series. This second series hosted by Peter Harrington, explores key issues fitting within the theme of ‘Get Better, Go Further’. Learn business lessons from experts, receive top tips and discover invaluable information sources.
Like Series 1 and Series 3 all practical and theoretical information within this startup podcast is provided to help businesses survive and preferably thrive.
The theme ‘Get Better, Go Further’ has been chosen since successful start-ups can’t rely on being good at one thing. Ambitious entrepreneurs have to master many skills. This series focuses on key disciplines and provides critical advice, tips and ideas that will help people to learn business skills that will move them forwards.
Startup Podcast generates generous support
Once more, thanks to the vision of LJ Silverman, this podcast is supported by LSE Generate, the Enterprise arm of the London School of Economics. And the SimVenture Team is backing the project too.
And I’m delighted to confirm ‘Seajam Moths’ has very kindly agreed to sponsor this Series with their brilliant music.
And then there are the 12,000+ people who tuned into Series 1. Thank you for being there, thank you for sharing and thank you for all startup podcast feedback.
Get Better, Go Further – Startup Podcast Episode Content
Fifteen episodes are included in Series 2 and all details are below. Episodes are available to download and stream from this site as well as BuzzSprout, Spotify and iTunes etc (see below). The first 2 Start-up podcasts in the series were first shared here on January 28th 2021.
- Know your entrepreneurial self – Published
- Think creatively and generate ideas – Published
- How research turns ideas into great products and services – Published
- Stitching life together through C19: An Entrepreneur’s Case Story – Published
- How to create, develop and manage a high performing website – Published
- Finding and working with investors – Published
- How to start and scale a social enterprise – Published
- Why environmental sustainability is the future – Published
- Networking to influence – Published
- Startup marketing: What works and what wastes money and time? – Published
- Why what you sell is not what people buy – Published
- Local to Global: Expand your entrepreneurial horizons – Published
- Negotiate negotiation – Published
- Perfect Presenting – Published
- Thinking through your entrepreneurial future – Published
Listen to Series 2
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Episode detail including special guest information, reference material and transcripts is published below.
You can also find, download and stream all podcast episodes on your favourite channel be it Amazon, Apple, Google, Spotify or Stitcher.
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Episode 1 – Know your Entrepreneurial Self
Welcome to the opening episode in Series 2 of the Startup Survival Podcast, with your host Peter Harrington and special guest, Professor Andy Penaluna.
All start-ups are equipped with the planet’s most extraordinary biological machine.
The brain.
But how many of us know how to make best use of this phenomenal piece of kit? Tune into this episode and listen to Professor Emeritus Andy Penaluna reveal some of the fundamental ways in which the brain works and how we can best work with it. Learn how start-ups can make thought-through decisions, generate better ideas and and how we all develop skills and talent.
Learn business lessons and more about Andy at the foot of this post. For the benefit of all, you can also download a transcript of this episode.
Episode 2 – How to think Creatively and Generate Ideas
Get ready to be inspired by one of the most imaginative and creative of minds…
Forever curious and possessing an insatiable appetite for exploring ‘better’ horizons, Professor Alistair Fee shares his thoughts on being creative and generating ideas.
In this episode, discover how and why Alistair brings James Bond into the classroom and why he believes tall buildings offer so much learning opportunity. Packed with wonderful imagination, deep thinking and practical examples, enjoy this voyage into the world of how best to develop and progress any entrepreneurial idea you may have.
Learn business lessons and more about Alistair at the foot of this post. For the benefit of all, you can also download a transcript of this episode.
Episode 3 – How Research turns Ideas into Great Products and Services
Listen to the brilliant Diana Kander, Serial Entrepreneur and New York Times Bestselling Author, reveal how research can work for you.
Famed for her ground-breaking book ‘All in Startup’, Kansas-based Diana Kander gifted the entrepreneurial community a precious resource. And her work and deep insight is the focus of this podcast.
In this episode, hear Diana explain how to conduct research so you uncover the precious truths that will help turn your start-up into a sustainable and potentially thriving venture. Diana shares the challenges of research and the fact most people will lie to you and behave irrationally when you ask them questions. Discover in this episode how to trick people into telling you the truth and how to use feedback to maximum advantage.
Learn business fundamentals and more about Diana at the foot of this post. For the benefit of all, you can also can also download a transcript of this episode.
Episode 4 – Stitching Life together through C19 – An Entrepreneur’s Case Story
To get a sense of what life has been like for UK entrepreneurs seeking to save their business during C19, tune into this ‘case story’ interview with international business-woman, Lisa Comfort. Be prepared, this is not a typical interview about entrepreneurial success.
Frank, honest and often emotional, listen to Lisa share her struggles. Learn why facing up to previous challenges gave her the strength and ability to save her craft-based company from being a victim of the pandemic.
As part of the case story you will learn about Lisa’s background, her motives and her passion for sewing, clothes and crafts. As importantly, you’ll learn about her retail roots and how her digital transformation leadership proved so vital during the darkest months of 2020.
Learn business fundamentals and more about Lisa at the foot of this post. For the benefit of all, you can also can also download a transcript of this episode.
Episode 5 – How to Create, Develop and Manage a High Performing Website
Any start-up business owner who knows how to consistently attract hundreds of thousands of loyal website visitors is worth a listen.
In this episode, tune into Chris Titley, Editorial Director at YorkMix Media. Hear him explain the fundamental principles underpinning the design and management of a high performing website. Learn about audience focus, building partnerships, SEO, website structure, common start-up website mistakes, supporting social media and much more.
Originally trained as a journalist, Chris started his entrepreneurial career nine years ago when he switched from print to digital media. And when he started his own company his website started from scratch too.
By tuning into episode 5 you will hear everything you need to know to create, manage and sustain a highly successful website.
Learn business fundamentals and more about Chris at the foot of this post. For the benefit of all, you can also download a transcript of this episode.
Episode 6 – Finding and Working with Investors
Whether you plan to run and scale a for-profit venture or social enterprise, tune into this pivotal episode and learn all about finding and securing investment finance.
This episode’s special guest, Olga Miler, is a rare individual. Not only has she spent many years working in the banking industry supporting start-ups, but she is also a serial entrepreneur. As a consequence she is able to view this subject from dual perspectives.
In this podcast listen to Olga’s advice about the different types of finance and how you go about finding investors. And discover what she says about preparation and lead times so you give yourself the best chance when you make your pitch. You’ll also hear Olga provide tips on pitching too.
Learn business fundamentals and more about Olga at the foot of this post. For the benefit of all, you can also download a transcript of this episode.
Episode 7 – How to Start and Scale a Social Enterprise
Providing sex education within schools in Colombia drives social entrepreneur Sebastian Jaramillo to make a positive difference.
Listen to this podcast to find out how and why Seb started TxC, an organisation committed to reducing unwanted teenage pregnancies so young people can lead more fulfilling lives. Hear Seb offer specific and practical advice that can be applied to the launch and growth of any social enterprise.
By listening to this episode you’ll also learn about critical books and reference sources that Seb recommends. You’ll also develop a deeper appreciation of the startup growth stages, the marketing actions you need to take and the importance of building trusted partnerships with sponsors, customers and other stakeholders.
You may need to listen to this podcast more than once to fully appreciate the depth of the content. But as soon as you hear Seb’s voice you’ll know this is someone who is committed to a cause and passionate about his purpose in life.
Learn business fundamentals and more about Seb at the foot of this post. For the benefit of all, you can also download a transcript of this episode.
Episode 8 – Why Environmental Sustainability is the Future
Tune in and listen to entrepreneur, engineer and academic, Dr Peter Melville Shreeve, explain why all start-ups must prioritise environmental sustainability.
Early in this episode you’ll learn about basic environmentally sound practices that all businesses should adopt. But as the podcast progresses you’ll also hear about opportunities to seize and why the global environmental sector is going to boom in the next few years.
Talking through all the salient issues, Dr Melville Shreeve provides tips and advice throughout that will help all start-ups to grow their green credentials. He also shares specific thoughts as to how any organisation of any size can shape and market their services so they have the best chance of winning new business.
Including references to key information sources, listen to this most important and timely of podcasts and help your venture secure triple bottom-line credentials.
Learn business fundamentals and more about Peter at the foot of this post. For the benefit of all, you can also download a transcript of this episode.
Episode 9 – Networking to Influence
All start-ups must get out of the building and out of their comfort zone. Inevitably, this means meeting others and starting conversations with people we don’t know. For the lucky ones, ‘professional socialising’ is enjoyable and rewarding. But many find the task terrifying. And then there are those whose excessive self-belief means their perceived ability is at odds with reality.
Tune into this episode with my expert guest Amanda Dickens. With decades of networking experience in the professional services and start-up space, Amanda shares an array of insightful thoughts and ideas, all rooted in common sense and seasoned practice.
Listen to Amanda and learn how best to plan and prepare for meetings, read behavioural signals, break the ice with strangers and ultimately build sustainable professional relationships that will help you to grow your venture.
Learn business background details and more about Amanda at the foot of this post. For the benefit of all, you can also download transcript of this episode.
Episode 10 – Startup Marketing: What Works and What Wastes your Money and Time?
For all startups on a budget, spending money on marketing is possibly one of the most frustrating of all activities. Just when you thought a social media or google ads campaign would lead to customers lining up for your latest gizmo, all you get is silence and the inevitable bill.
Like a casino, marketing is supposed to be the enjoyable, fun side of business. But like a casino, marketing can drain your business of precious money and time.
If you’ve been affected and want to turn the marketing odds in your favour, listen to this show’s expert guest and marketing specialist, Victoria Bradley. A serial entrepreneur and seasoned startup advisor, Vics shares how you can build a business on a shoestring marketing budget.
Tune into this episode and learn how to apply common-sense tactics and strategies that will give your venture the best chance of survival and growth. Full of practical top tips and advice, this is a must-listen episode for any startup student or entrepreneur seeking to succeed.
Learn business background details and more about Victoria at the foot of this post. For the benefit of all, you can also download a transcript of this episode.
Episode 11 – Why what you Sell is not what People Buy
So many start-ups fail to prioritise selling as a key business issue. Entrepreneurs new to the journey often sell badly, think marketing is sales or believe their product/service is so good, no selling is required.
Don’t be fooled!
Instead, tune into sales trainer and selling guru Martin Hutchins. Hear him explain why so many people get sales wrong and how effective salespeople work. By listening you’ll learn what people really buy when they make a purchase. You’ll also discover how this knowledge will help you to redefine sales processes that work for your business.
This comprehensive episode covers many key business lessons from mindset, resilience and relationships through to empathy, body language, communication and much more.
Learn business background details and more about Martin at the foot of this post. For the benefit of all, you can also download a transcript of this episode.
Episode 12 – Local to Global: Expand your Entrepreneurial Horizons
What mindset and skills are required to start a business and grow it globally?
In this fascinating episode, tune into Vikrant Shaurya and learn how this young, gentle but highly focused publishing entrepreneur transformed his own life and started a business that has become a global success story.
Vikrant shares the struggles of not being truthful with his family and how his early business failure led friends to laugh at his misfortune. He also talks about how he worked hard, discovered his entrepreneurial talent and used customer feedback and deep competitor analysis to exploit market opportunities.
Ultimately, you’ll discover that as long as key building blocks are in place, technology now provides all entrepreneurs with the ability to start and grow a sustainable business that works across borders.
Learn business background details and more about Vikrant at the foot of this post. For the benefit of all, you can also download a transcript of this episode.
Episode 13 – Negotiating Negotiation
How much money and time will you let slip in the months and years ahead because you assume you’ll always negotiate the best deal and get the very best outcome for your venture?
Whether it’s hiring fresh recruits, working with suppliers, winning new clients or renewing contracts, the issue of negotiation is at the heart of so many start-up activities.
Being a skilled negotiator really pays. With the help of Devon Smiley, a seriously smart and highly engaging negotiation expert with vast experience and an array of start-up tips and stories to share, you’ll learn how and why in under 60 minutes.
By tuning into this episode, you’ll discover how to adjust your behaviour, develop practical strategies, appreciate subtle tactics and ultimately build great business relationships with people who want to work with you.
Learn business background details and more about Devon at the foot of this post. For the benefit of all, you can also download a transcript of this episode. Why not also use the fully prepared FREE negotiation lesson resource (suitable for all levels) available within this Blog.
Episode 14 – Perfect Presenting
Like it, love it or loath it, presenting is one of those key skills all entrepreneurs should learn to master. Being able to speak effectively to an audience gives you the power to communicate, influence and persuade.
In this episode, tune into presenter extraordinaire, Alex Simmons. Learn about his journey from Young Enterprise national finals and ‘DJing’ at teenage club events to talking to tens of thousands of people at Wembley and the 2020 Black Lives Matter event in London’s Hyde Park.
Alex shares how to plan and prepare presentations, how to structure thinking, how to use your voice and critically how to speak so people buy into what you say. Humble and still learning himself, Alex is one of the standout guests in this series.
Learn business background details and more about Alex at the foot of this post. For the benefit of all, you can also download a transcript of this episode.
Episode 15 – Thinking through your Entrepreneurial future
May be you know how your entrepreneurial adventure will end. And may be you know how you will get there. But given the uncertainty of life (pandemic or no pandemic) the chances are you don’t.
So how the heck do you plan, prepare and think through your entrepreneurial future with any degree of confidence? One way is to tune into this final episode and hear from a seasoned entrepreneur who has not only passed the start and finishing lines with several businesses but has also viewed the journey from multiple perspectives.
By listening to Jane Murray you’ll discover how to take greater control of your entrepreneurial future, how to prepare for a successful exit and how to give yourself the best chance of making start-up life work for you. Jane shares how you can think, learn and work so you avoid painful traps and instead spend as much time as possible enjoying the journey.
As promised in the podcast, use this link to find out more about the band ‘Twelve Angry Men’ and also listen to two of their songs.
Learn business background details and more about Jane at the foot of this post. For the benefit of all, a transcript for this episode will be made available.
Listen to this Startup Podcast on Apple, Spotify, Google and more…
This second startup podcast series is available for streaming and download on Apple, Spotify, Google and other platforms. Simply access your platform and search for ‘Startup Survival Podcast’.
Alternatively, use the link below to access the podcast on all platforms via Buzzsprout.
Stream & Download the Startup Podcast Series from other Platforms
Startup Podcast References
As with Series 1, links to all references from each startup podcast episode will be published below so you can access business lesson source information quickly and easily.
Episode 1: David Eagleman – The Brain, Antonio Damasio, Sir Ken Robinson – TED, Daniel Coyle – The Talent Code, Myelin, Daniel Kahneman – Thinking Fast and Slow, The Design Council, and John Kounios.
Episode 2: Life of Brian, John Cleese – Creativity, T-Shaped People, Stanford University Design School, Tom Kelly – The 10 Faces of Innovation, Robert Frost – The Road Not Taken, See Sense Bike Lights and Anita Roddick, Body and Soul.
Episode 3: All in Startup by Diana Kander and Alchemy by Rory Sutherland
Episode 4: Sew Over It, London School of Economics Report, Nimblefins, Bruce Oldfield, StitchSchool, London College of Fashion, Phillipa Lepley, Goldman Sachs 10,000 Businesses and How We Decide by Jonah Lehrer.
Episode 5: How to Fail (Podcast by Elizabeth Day), Google Analytics, Building a Storybrand by Donald Miller, Helsinki Bus Station Theory, Dishoom – From Bombay with Love and York Mix.
Episode 6: SmartPurse, Seedrs Crowdfunding, Crowdbazaar Crowdfunding, Information is Beautiful, Crunchbase
Episode 7: Build, Measure Learn and the Lean Startup Principles, Getting Beyond Better: How Social Entrepreneurship Works by Roger Martin and Sally Osberg, Altruistic Capital by Prof, Nava Ashraf and The Goldilocks Challenge by Mary Kay Gugerty and Dean Karlan.
Episode 8: The Carbon Trust, The Energy Savings Trust, President Biden Speech April 2021, Global Sustainable Investment Alliance, Morning Star Direct, BP Launchpad, Google Climate Change Accelerator, The Gaia Hypothesis by James Lovelock.
Episode 9: Discover networking opportunities using Meetups, connect with your Chamber of Commerce, use Linkedin, be part of a TED Talk and read ‘The Introvert’s Edge’ by Matthew Pollard.
Episode 10: Access the website Fiverr, use Instagram, listen to How I Built This by Guy Raz, listen to The Future by Chris Do and listen to How to Fail by Elizabeth Day. The book recommendation for this episode is Made to Stick by Chip and Dan Heath.
Episode 11: This episode contains the single reference Start with Why by Simon Sinek.
Episode 12: Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki, Systemology by David Jenyns, The One Page Marketing Plan by Allan Dib, design graphics with Canva, Bring on the Learning Revolution by Sir Ken Robinson and find out how to develop an affiliate program with JVZoo.
Episode 13: Donncha Hughes, Never Split the Difference by Christopher Voss, Surrounded by Idiots by Thomas Erikson and The Culture Map by Erin Meyer.
Episode 14: Young Enterprise is a national charity equipping people with work skills and knowledge. The Yellow Pages is a business directory.
Episode 15: References will appear here
Startup Podcast Episode Guests
Episode 1 – Andy Penaluna

Professor Emeritus Andy Penaluna has been both business owner and educator/researcher since he was in his 20s. Formerly the Director of the International Institute for Creative Entrepreneurial Development at UWTSD, Andy works at all levels of entrepreneurial education. His work has been used by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, the European Joint Research Centre and the OECD; his funders include the World Bank and the European Commission. In 2014 the Enterprise Sector Skills body ‘SFEDI’ and the Institute of Enterprise and Entrepreneurs honoured Andy in the House of Lords as their educator of the year.
Episode 2 – Alistair Fee

Professor Alistair Fee is a European specialist in Design Thinking and innovation. Over 30 years and in 60+ countries he has experimented with many aspects of creativity and innovation within organisations of all sizes. Alistair is a former Faculty Fellow at Stanford University, a Business Mentor at Yale Entrepreneurial Institute, a Visiting Professor at the European Business School and for 22+ years a pillar of inspiration and wisdom at Queen’s University Belfast. He is involved in many European innovation projects where he shares simple and effective global insights, liberates thinking and creates meaningful vision. Alistair enables companies, individuals and academics to think differently, always allowing for the extraordinary to be possible.
Episode 3 – Diana Kander

Kansas-based Diana Kander is a serial entrepreneur, former MBA professor at Mizzou, and a New York Times bestselling author. She has served as entrepreneur-in-residence inside both Fortune 500 companies and government agencies. Diana has written two books about launching new products and creating a culture of innovation. Her first book ‘All in Startup’ was a New York bestseller and is heralded by entrepreneurs around the globe as one of the most valuable and influential texts available. She is obsessed with helping teams and organizations achieve breakthrough results by tweaking their daily habits.
Episode 4 – Lisa Comfort

Lisa set up Sew Over It in 2011 with one main aim – to teach as many people as possible to sew. She loves fashion and learned to sew as a teenager and wanted to share her passion. After studying languages at university, she started her career in couture fashion and worked for Bruce Oldfield and Phillipa Lepley before starting Sew Over It. Lisa opened her first shop in Clapham in May 2011 and initially the business model was based on running sewing classes and selling a small range of fabrics and haberdashery. The business grew fast and there followed the launch of a range of dressmaking patterns based on Lisa’s vintage style. In recent years the business has evolved into a leading international sewing brand.
Episode 5 – Chris Titley

Typewriters and Banda printers were Chris Titley’s tools of the trade when he first started bashing out articles for publication. He trained as a reporter on the daily paper in Bath before moving to the Yorkshire Evening Press, where he was a reporter and later features editor. After a period freelancing for publications including the Guardian and Times Educational Supplement, Chris co-founded YorkMix Media Ltd, a digital content agency specialising in words, pictures and video. In 2012, Chris launched, the award-winning news and entertainment website centred on the city of York. The site now gets more than one million hits a month and unique monthly site visitors top 350,000.
Episode 6 – Olga Miler

Olga Miler is a global innovation expert, specializing in women and finance, sustainability, and gender-smart investing. She has been broadly recognized for her transformational achievements to change the financial services industry for women and gender equality with features in the global press such as Sky News, BBC News, CNBC, the Financial Times, Bloomberg and The Guardian and won numerous awards including ‘Inspirational Woman of the Year 2019’. Following her career at UBS she has co-founded her own start-up – SmartPurse – a fintech-ed-tech venture revolutionizing financial education.
Episode 7 – Sebastian Jaramillo

Social Entrepreneur, Sebastian Jaramillo, is Founder of TxC, where his team works in Colombia, South America, to reduce the poverty cycle caused by unwanted teenage pregnancy. Using sophisticated technology TxC provides Sexual and Reproductive Health Interventions within schools. Before creating TxC, Sebastian worked for both the United Nations and the Colombian Government. He is passionate about creating social impact for social good.
Episode 8 – Peter Melville Shreeve

Dr Peter Melville-Shreeve began his professional life as an Environmental Engineer and over 10 years has worked in both consultancy practice and startups. He currently teaches product development and runs an entrepreneurship skills programme at University of Exeter’s Engineering School. As an entrepreneur Pete founded (2015) and exited (2020) an Internet of Things platform (OTA Analytics) which harnessed real-time control systems and weather data to control storm-water as it flows through our cities.
Episode 9 – Amanda Dickens

Amanda Dickens is a natural connector of people and ideas. She honed her networking skills whilst working for Big 4 consulting firms where they developed networking apps so people could practice skills ahead of real-world application. An experienced board member, venture builder and former Big 4 strategy consultant, Amanda has over 25 years’ experience in leadership, coaching and mentoring. Having co-founded and scaled a multi-million-pound disruptive innovation consulting practice for PwC UK, she now works with founders to build and scale technology start-ups.
Episode 10 – Victoria Bradley

Victoria Bradley is an award winning entrepreneur with 10+ years’ experience starting businesses. She particularly loves working to create the first 10 customers (and thus validate a business) and employs a range of marketing tactics to win those all-important clients. Victoria’s recent venture (Boob Bling) was started in lockdown March 2020 and grew to £50k sales in 9 months. Victoria also works as a University Business Adviser, LEGO® workshopper and coach.
Episode 11 – Martin Hutchins

Olympian Steve Backley once described Martin Hutchins as the decathlete of the business world. Martin possesses all the knowledge and skills to make almost any venture successful. As a trainer and practitioner, Martin’s sales, marketing and digital skills have been honed over 30 years. He is also actively pursuing accountancy qualifications and is an accomplished software programmer. Above all else, Martin knows sales and the skills and attributes that make up an effective salesperson.
Episode 12 – Vikrant Shaurya

Vikrant Shaurya is the CEO and Founder of and the most-viewed author for “eBook Publishing” on Quora. A lifelong lover of books, Vikrant devoted years of his life to devouring the texts of industry giants like Tony Robbins, Robert Kiyosaki and Brendon Burchard as well as mastering the art and science of precisely how they built their business empires. Through his company, Vikrant has helped more than 500 people become bestselling authors, and he continues to be a trailblazer in this growing global industry.
Episode 13 – Devon Smiley

Devon Smiley is a Negotiation & Commercial Consultant for founders, startups and scaleups ready to go after bigger, better deals, without sacrificing vision, impact or relationships. She’s distilled over 15 years and $5 billion of negotiation experience into accessible and actionable guidance that help build the skills needed to navigate conversations with confidence. A strong believer that negotiation isn’t just about boosting bottom lines, Devon has worked with pro bono partners including UN Women and The Clinton Foundation.
Episode 14 – Alex Simmons

Alex Simmons is a Leeds-based entrepreneur who started his business career at 16 when completing the Young Enterprise program. A communication and presentation specialist, Alex honed his skills over many years working as a DJ, Radio broadcaster, TV presenter and acclaimed public speaker. Always in demand, Alex presented to over 20,000 people at the Black Lives Matter event in Hyde Park in 2020 and will also be leading the Jamaican National rugby league team to their first World Cup in 2021.
Episode 15 – Jane Murray

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