Unsung Heroes of Enterprise and Entrepreneurship

Over the past 2 years, 49 articles connecting hitchhiking and entrepreneurship have been posted on this Blog.
Subjects and angles have been wide and varied. But no single post has focused on the unsung heroes of enterprise and entrepreneurship who have helped make my journey possible.
Yet, if it had not been for the kindness of spirit, generosity of time and ability to help me reach my next destination, I would not have travelled far. And then I would have given up…
In these challenging economic times vast numbers of people (be they mentors, lawyers, business advisors, coaches, teachers, accountants etc.) work tirelessly and often for free to help entrepreneurs start and continue their journey. But critical support work often goes unnoticed (or hidden altogether) because it’s become the norm or simply happens away from public gaze. As a result, people are not necessarily recognised for the great work they do.
Recognising the unsung heroes of enterprise and entrepreneurship
So with your help let’s celebrate the unsung heroes of enterprise and entrepreneurship. Let’s list deserving people on this site so we can better recognise those who are making a real difference and helping others on their journey.
In no more than 50 words, tell me about the hero (or heroes) you know. Send details (including their name* and why they deserve the recognition) to peter@simventure.co.uk
Everything you write will be referenced below.
50 Unsung Heroes
1. Matthew Draycott – “Matthew cares passionately about people and how they grow through life experiences to reach their potential. Challenged but undaunted by the legacy paradigms of hierarchical and bureaucratic systems he chooses to use his considerable expert knowledge and belief to continue to redesign how education is delivered, from the outside in!”
2. “One of the attributes entrepreneurship students most often cite as being influential in their studies is the enthusiasm of their tutor or tutors. But who enthuses these enthusiastic tutors? Dr Colin Jones (University of Tasmania), that’s who.”
3. “The road of the entrepreneurship educator can be a lonely one. Sometimes it is difficult to gain support and legitimacy for our practice. One man, Professor Harry Matlay, has assisted countless entrepreneurship educators gain just recognition of their practice through supporting their scholarship as editor of various academic journals.”
4. “Charles Cracknell works tirelessly supporting young people in Hull and the East Riding with their business ideas. Enterprising, innovative and passionate Charles has supported and helped established business start ups, city wide initiatives, events and an enterprise culture. An inspiration to us all to keep going and changing lives through enterprise.”
5. “There is only one policy guru in enterprise education and its Matt Smith, he has infiltrated every political party, got to know every policy officer in the sector with the single aim of ensuring they know more about student led entrepreneurship.”
6. Stephen Logan’s commitment to help young people within the school sector to set up in business is second to none at his school and outside he is committed to help them and signpost them well outside work hours; more important it’s all about the kids for him not how it looks on his CV, as impressive it is.
7. Mike Chitty is a true unsung hero of the enterprise movement who works tirelessly to empower people to reach their full potential. He is an enormously gifted and wise mentor who shares his knowledge and experience freely… and patiently! But most of all he is a critical voice who always challenges us to question and develop our practice.
8. Alan Donegan established the PopUpBusiness school and has shown how practical, informative and fun sharing and cultivating new business ideas can be. He is a great speaker, engages the audience from the outset and has a really positive and infectious approach to his work and life.
*If you are not sure whether your nominee wants to be publicly recognised as one of the unsung heroes of enterprise and entrepreneurship, please check with them first before submitting details!
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